Problems on the love front, a decrease in sexual desire and potency worry an increasing number of men of any age. Faced with such problems, the representatives of the stronger sex try to deal with them on their own, without the intervention of a doctor. Many resort to well-advertised stimulants, which are far from harmless and very expensive. Folk remedies for increasing potency in men are no less effective, practically harmless to health and do not require special expenses.

Relatively recently, it was believed that in order for problems in intimate relationships to arise, it was necessary to live at least fifty years. Indeed, older men complained of the weakening of sexual desire and potency. Much has changed now and such problems are familiar to young people not by hearsay. The medical statistics are disappointing: erectile dysfunction and low libido are detected in one in three people.
The appearance of such serious problems for any man is easy to explain. A modern person, especially a resident of a metropolis, is daily exposed to factors, each of which has a negative impact on the reproductive system. The reasons for the violations include:
- Constant fatigue and stress.
- Improper and irregular nutrition - the use of low-quality products, semi-finished products, fast food.
- Overweight is directly related to the previous paragraph, to which must be added the lack of physical activity.
- Frequent libations and other addictions.
- Increase in infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary organs, including sexually transmitted diseases.
Most often, problems with male power that have arisen are not considered a worthy reason to contact a specialist. Instead, a person tries to do it on his own and tries all the ways to do it, recommended by "expert" friends and widespread publicity. At best, it does not lead to success, and at worst it causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and other ailments. To restore potency, you need to visit a urologist or andrologist, find out the reasons for its weakening and undergo a course of treatment prescribed by a specialist.

In this case, not only drugs or physiotherapy are used. The doctor will tell you how to increase potency in men with folk remedies, which medicines are suitable in this case and what is undesirable to use. It is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible, because with minor manifestations of erectile dysfunction, the situation is often corrected with the help of drugs prepared according to the "grandmother's" recipes.
Mandatory conditions for increasing potency

If you want to increase male strength, it is not enough to take a course of drug therapy and use herbal decoctions. In order for the treatment to have the desired effect, it is first of all necessary to reconsider the usual way of life.
To strengthen potency you need:
- Change your diet: you should eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and herbs, lean meat and lactic acid products. Also, do not forget about aphrodisiacs and products necessary to improve the condition of the reproductive system: sea fish, squid, shrimp, parsley, celery.
- If possible, avoid stressful situations, try to always keep a good mood and a good mood.
- Track your weight.
- Play sports, walk more outdoors.
- Drink alcoholic beverages less frequently and in very limited quantities, and it is advisable to stop smoking altogether.
- Establish a daily routine.
Sexual abilities directly depend on the level of the male sex hormone - testosterone. To improve its production, it is necessary to enter the body of animal fats. Therefore, a man's daily diet should include lean meat, liver, chicken, turkey and rabbit.
Healing herbs

Traditional medicine to increase potency includes a variety of remedies based on extracts of medicinal herbs. Their action is aimed at increasing blood flow, which leads to the elimination of congestion, the flow of more blood to the penis and an increase in the strength of the erection.
The undisputed leader in restoring potency is the common nettle. From it, infusions are prepared, used in combination with other plants:
- One tablespoon of dried herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for fifteen to twenty minutes. The finished product is divided into three parts and consumed before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Care should be taken in men with increased blood clotting.
- Combine five tablespoons of nettle, clover, St. John's wort and mint, add a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. Take three times a day.
The effectiveness is increased by taking one teaspoon of an equal parts mixture of nettle seeds, honey and red wine before meals.
The second position in the list of folk remedies is occupied by ginseng root, which in ancient times was famous in eastern countries for its erection-stimulating properties. In ancient times only noble and wealthy people could use the plant, but today its tincture can be found in any pharmacy or prepared by yourself:
- Grate the root on a fine grater.
- Mix half a tablespoon of raw materials with three hundred and fifty grams of liquid honey.
- Insist for a week and a half.
Take a teaspoon, three times a day, for one or two months. After completing the course, there will be a noticeable increase in sexual desire, elimination of erectile dysfunction, increased sensations and brightness of orgasm.
Folk remedies for increasing potency in men are often prepared using St. John's wort and thyme. These herbs contain a large amount of zinc, which is necessary for the production of testosterone, increasing the vitality of sperm.

To increase male strength, it is recommended to use calamus root. To achieve the effect, the plant does not need to be subjected to any processing: the roots can be peeled and chewed like chewing gum (maximum three small nuts per day). A tincture is also prepared, for which one part of the calamus root is mixed with five parts of alcohol and infused for two weeks. Within a month, you should take twenty to thirty drops of the drug three times a day.
The use of products based on natural ingredients requires regular long-term use. It is impossible to increase potency with folk remedies in 3 days, as the positive effect appears only after treatment for several weeks.
Delicious recipes
- Honey - to get a medicine, three hundred grams of honey is mixed with one pound of nuts and one hundred milliliters of aloe juice. The remedy should be taken forty grams before meals. Two parts of honey can be mixed with one part of aloe juice and three parts of red wine, left to infuse for two weeks and taken before meals.
- A mixture of equal quantities of nuts, raisins, figs and plums - in the evening it is recommended to eat two tablespoons of this delicacy and wash it with sour milk.
- White wine - used to prepare a love elixir that works immediately after use. A glass of orange juice and half a glass of lemon juice, two tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of liqueur, mint, cinnamon and cloves are added to a liter of wine. The mixture is heated (but not to a boil), left to rest in the refrigerator for three days, filtered and brought before intimacy.